What Happens When You Touch Mold With Your Bare Hands2

What happens when you touch mold with your bare hands?

Wondering “what happens when you touch mold with your bare hands?” If you’ve come across mold and are unsure if it’s safe to touch, or if your child has touched it and you’re concerned about any potential effects, or perhaps you’ve already touched it yourself and now anxiously seek reassurance about growing an extra head, this article is for you.

We will provide you with a concise and informative overview of whether you’ll be fine, what you need to know about the mold you’ve discovered, and how to address any inadvertent triggers.

First of All: Is It Bad If Mold Touches Your Skin?

With over 20 years of experience as mold removal professionals, we can confidently say that direct contact between mold and your skin typically does not cause harm. While some individuals may experience mild skin irritation, this occurrence is relatively uncommon. This fact is supported by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

In the event that you come into contact with mold on your bare skin, it is advisable to promptly wash the affected area with soap and water. It is also recommended to monitor the area for any signs of irritation within the next 24 hours.

Throughout our extensive experience, none of our team members have encountered any instances of skin irritation or rashes resulting from the molds we handle. However, while waiting for any potential skin irritation to subside, there are a few remedies you can try. These include using antihistamines such as Benadryl, as well as applying moisturizer, aloe vera, or opting for an oatmeal bath to alleviate any itchiness or swelling. It is important to note, however, that skin irritation from contact with mold is relatively rare.

3 Things You’ve (Unfortunately) Probably Triggered

Now, unfortunately, mold is a plant, and poking it usually does do several things. It’s best to know what your touch may have caused, so that you can recognize any of these things as they happen. You can even take proactive action against them (more on that in a later section).

Mold Spores

After coming into contact with mold, you might question, “Does mold spread through touch?” The answer is affirmative. Mold, being a type of plant, releases something into the air when touched. These are known as mold spores, which are microscopic reproductive cells akin to pollen in other plants.

When mold is disturbed by touch, it disperses unseen clouds of spores, much like how dandelion seeds gracefully drift away. These spores initiate the following two important facts you should be aware of.

3 Things You’ve (unfortunately) Probably Triggered

Mold Sickness

When mold spores circulate in your home, they have the potential to cause mold sickness. The symptoms of mold sickness closely resemble those of a cold or an allergic reaction, making it easy to mistake one for the other. It’s important to be able to differentiate between the two. Here are some ways to help you determine whether it’s mold sickness or just a common cold.

Mold Spread

Similar to pollen, dandelion seeds, and other reproductive cells released by plants upon impact, mold spores float and spread with the sole purpose of propagating more mold. If you discover mold on items such as food or furniture, our recommendation is to promptly discard them. Then, create optimal ventilation and air circulation within your home as swiftly as possible. Open windows and doors in the room where the mold was found, allowing the mold spores to hopefully dissipate on a gentle breeze. Over the next few weeks, we advise you to remain vigilant for any signs of additional mold growth.

The aforementioned advice remains applicable even if you encounter and touch mold on a permanent surface in your home, such as a wall. Unlike with food, you cannot simply dispose of it; however, you should still adhere to our guidelines regarding ventilation and monitoring for the spread of mold.

Who is Most at Risk of Developing Health Problems From Touching Mold?

Individuals with allergies or asthma, infants and young children, older adults, those with weakened immune systems, and atopic individuals who are genetically predisposed to allergies are particularly vulnerable to the detrimental health effects of mold exposure. To put it into perspective, approximately 6-10% of the general population are allergic to mold, according to the National Academy of Sciences. However, it’s important to note that experiencing health issues from mold exposure is not exclusive to those who are allergic. Allergy to mold simply increases the likelihood of developing significant symptoms as a result of exposure.

What Happens if Mold Gets on Your Skin?

Exposure to mold can lead to skin irritation and rashes. If you come into contact with mold, promptly wash it off to eliminate any potential effects on your skin.

Safety Gear Needed To Touch Mold

How to Clean Hands After Touching Mold

There is no specific hand washing protocol required if you come into contact with mold. However, it is important to promptly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

Safety Gear Needed to Touch Mold

To effectively remove mold from your property, it is crucial to prioritize your safety by wearing appropriate protective gear. Here is a list of essential items you will need for the task:

  • Safety goggles to shield your eyes
  • Gloves to protect your hands
  • Dust masks or respirators to filter the air you breathe
  • Full body suits for comprehensive coverage

Remember, taking these precautions will ensure a safe and successful mold removal process.

Did You Actually Touch Mold?

Fortunately, not all dark spotty substances that resemble mold are actually mold. Another type of fungi, known as mildew, can also grow in homes and is much easier to clean. Moreover, it does not spread as aggressively. There are several key differences that can help distinguish between mold and mildew.

When to Call the Professionals

There are certain situations in which you can take care of mold removal on your own! If the mold has contaminated an item, such as food, furniture, or a stuffed animal, it is best to dispose of it (while wearing gloves!) and ensure proper ventilation, as explained earlier.

In some cases, the mold might be present on a permanent surface within your home. If the affected area is small (as defined in our article), you can safely attempt to clean it yourself. Refer to the methods outlined in the same article for guidance.

However, if the mold has spread extensively and covers a large area, it is strongly recommended that you do not try to clean or remove it on your own. Widespread mold growth is typically deeply rooted into the surface it inhabits and necessitates professional mold removal.

Considering Restoreez

If you reside in the state of Florida, where Restoreez is located, look no further than us for your mold removal needs. We take pride in being a knowledgeable source in this field. Our exceptional customer service has earned us numerous awards, and we are renowned for our unwavering professionalism and honesty.

Disclaimer: This article serves solely as an informational resource. None of the content in this article should be construed as medical or legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. For any serious medical concerns, please consult with your doctor. For any serious legal matters, please seek guidance from a qualified legal advisor. The information provided in this article reflects the experiences and opinions of Restoreez exclusively.